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Many associations are committed locally on the spot to offer as much as possible care, food, access to schooling, to leisure, for all the children and to encourage the protection of the environment.

Each association fights on a daily basis to seek the necessary aid, to motivate new volunteers or donors to continue the actions already in place.

Plan during your next trip to Madagascar, a solidarity action, rich in human emotion.

The associations that deserve our support are numerous; it is difficult to make a choice. As a first step, we are therefore helping to:

Zazakely Orphanage

Reception center with a social vocation for orphans, fathers, mothers or both and specific cases addressed by the local authorities. To date, 126 children are present.

Priority needs: bathroom and table linen (towels, sheets, tablecloths, etc.), clothing for all ages, hygiene products (toothbrushes, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.), non-expired medicines , medical equipment (blood pressure monitor, thermometer, glucometer with stylus, etc.), games (cards, soccer and rugby balls, coloring books, large format legos, etc.), school supplies (kindergarten books, notebooks, rulers, pens, ...).

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The Butterflies of Heaven

Association aiming to support the education of children in Madagascar and aiming to provide academic, social and cultural support to the children of Île aux Nattes through sponsorship, partnerships,  les twinnings, sending educational and medical materials, school supplies and clothing.

Priority needs: collection of donations to allow the construction of vegetable bins and the repair of roofs following the cyclones, supply of school books for the college (CM1 to 3rd), two computers, materials for physics and SVT lessons.

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The objective is the preservation of marine mammal populations and their habitat in Madagascar by working in collaboration with researchers, students, NGOs and institutions, economic operators, local and national authorities. By involving local populations in our actions, Cetamada is committed to a sustainable development approach.

Priority needs:   have trainees for a long period of 4 to 5 months for the whale season.

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Lands in Melee

Through education through rugby, Terres en Mêlées supports the African sporting and educational community in using the oval ball to hatch the continent's future champions of sustainable development.

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The Children of the Oval

Association that educates underprivileged, schooled children through rugby. Teaching children to play Rugby means learning to live, grow and win together.

Priority needs: rugby equipment (balls, clothing, stopwatch, etc.), school supplies and food.

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National Vocational Training Center for People with Disabilities (CNFPPSH)

Sports and Cultural Association for People with Disabilities for the promotion of sport and culture among people with disabilities.

Priority needs: books, school supplies, training materials, balls.

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Madagascar Schooling

Created in October 2016, the association aims to facilitate the schooling and feeding of children from disadvantaged Malagasy families in order to give them a real chance of personal development and the hope of a successful integration into the society of their country.

Priority needs: school materials, child sponsorship, volunteers to help on site in Antsirabe.

The members of the association are volunteers and 100% of the donations are devoted to the object of the association. The President is on site almost permanently and fully involved in the "earmarking" of the funds received. Donors can stay for free with the President of the association during their visit to Antsirabe. Schooling Madagascar welcomes trainees who wish to work at the school or in another structure.

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